
관리자 | 2024-09-05 | 조회수 : 7
김** 수강생 Toefl Writing 첨삭
첨부파일 Revised Eassy.hwp

Revised Eassy:


I value humor when making friends Because I believe conversation is very important in friendship, and humor makes conversations more enjoyable.

a very important aspect of friendship

For example, I have had a close friend since high school. When I first saw her,


I thought she wouldn’t be a good fit for me because she was smarter than I was

I didn’t think she would be suitable for me

and seemed quiet. But as time passed and I had more opportunities to talk to her,

Besides, she seemed quiet. However, in the course of time, we got into more opportunities to talk to each other.

I realized that I had misunderstood her. She and I shared a great sense of humor.

and We

and our conversation continued effortlessly.

as of now, our conversations could continue naturally

She was a better match for me than I had thought.

After all she turned out to be one of my favorite friend.


I agree that being intelligent and reliable also important qualities in friendship,

(동사 빠짐): 동명사 and 동명사 (복수)

부정사 and 부정사 (단수)

but I think humor is more valuable than other traits.

While I agree that being intelligent and reliable are also important qualities in a close friendship, I think humor is more valuable than any other trait.

비교급 + than any other 단수= 최상급 의미



1. 명료하고 심플한 내용에 효과적인 일화소개로 유머의 가치를 잘 구사했네요 ~~^*^

2. 중문이 좀 많은 듯합니다 다양한 문장을 위해 복문 or 분사구문으로 표현

3. 서두에서 topic강조 할 필요가 있는데 ~

humorconvesation중 어떤 것이 Topic인지 확 다가오지 않을 수 있으니까~~

Humor is ~로 시작되면 좋을 듯 합니다.

4. Speak more loudly and confidently and Record for speaking & writing test !!

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